TechOne: Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning
Carrigan, Russell
TechOne: Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning - United States of America Thomson Delmar Learning C2006 - 316 pages Fully Illustrated, In Paperbacks - xiv, 316 .
Includes Appendices and Indexes Includes Bilingual Glossary
Automobiles-Air Conditioning Automobiles-Heating and Ventilating
629.2'772 / C1
TechOne: Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning - United States of America Thomson Delmar Learning C2006 - 316 pages Fully Illustrated, In Paperbacks - xiv, 316 .
Includes Appendices and Indexes Includes Bilingual Glossary
Automobiles-Air Conditioning Automobiles-Heating and Ventilating
629.2'772 / C1